Loose or missing teeth happen for various reasons, but regardless of why you’re experiencing this problem, Dr. Beck-Mayo can restore your oral function and improve your smile with dental implants. This state-of-the-art tooth replacement option can replace one missing tooth or an entire mouthful of teeth. As a board-certified periodontist in Poway, Dr. Beck-Mayo is an expert in this procedure.

Benefits of Dental Implants

When people have loose or missing teeth, it affects more than their smiles. The roots of natural teeth serve an essential purpose in the mouth’s overall health by stimulating the jawbone. This stimulation keeps the bone strong and healthy and maintains the shape of the bone—keeping the facial structure intact. So, when a tooth or teeth are missing, the stimulation from the tooth root is gone, and without stimulation, the jawbone will weaken and deteriorate.

At Southern California Periodontics & Implantology in Poway, Dr. Beck-Mayo can use dental implants to replace missing tooth roots so your jawbone and oral health can be maintained. While keeping your jawbone healthy and maintaining your facial structure are both fantastic benefits of dental implants, there are so many more that come with this revolutionary tooth-replacement option. Dental implants are:

  • Strong

Dental implants are made from titanium and are placed surgically into the jawbone. As they heal, they bond to the bone and create a stable foundation for prosthetic teeth.

  • Permanent

Another benefit of their surgical placement is that dental implants are secured permanently within the mouth. As long as they are cared for properly, they will not need to be replaced.

  • Provide a renewed oral function

Dental implants offer patients the confidence to eat, drink, and speak freely because they will not move or shift about the mouth.

  • Natural-looking

Poway patients who choose dental implants benefit from the natural appearance of their new replacement teeth. This tooth-replacement system is the most natural option on the market. It is fully customized to match each patient’s surrounding teeth or complement the facial structure when an entire arch or mouthful of teeth is required.

  • Easy to care for

Dental implants do not require any special paste or cleaning products. Instead, patients need only care for them as they did their natural teeth. Dr. Beck-Mayo recommends brushing twice a day, flossing and using antibacterial mouthwash once a day, and keeping biannual appointments for cleanings and check-ups.

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Most men and women with loose or missing teeth are good candidates for dental implants. However, it’s necessary to visit Dr. Beck-Mayo for an initial consultation to know for sure. During your appointment, she will perform a full oral examination of your mouth, use 3D CT scans to evaluate the health of your jawbone and neighboring teeth, review any medications you are currently taking, and discuss your treatment options with you. Every treatment plan is designed uniquely to benefit each patient, their needs, and their desired goals.

In addition to these things, Dr. Beck-Mayo will screen every potential patient to determine whether or not the criteria for dental implants is met. Poway area patients must:

  • Have good overall health and good oral health
  • Have adequate jawbone tissue to support dental implants
  • Have healthy gum tissue, which is free of disease

To find out if dental implants are the best tooth-replacement option for your specific needs, call Southern California Periodontics & Implantology to schedule your consultation with Dr. Beck-Mayo.

Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient. It will be determined based on the number of teeth needing to be replaced, the health of your jawbone and gum tissue, and how long your tooth or teeth have been missing.

Poway patients who require additional treatments prior to the placement of their dental implants should expect the cost of their treatment to be greater than those who do not require pre-surgeries or treatments.

Because Dr. Beck-Mayo works to meet each patient’s needs on an individual basis, it’s important to visit her for an initial consultation to find out how much you can expect to pay for your dental implants treatment.

Recovery from Dental Implants

Dr. Beck-Mayo utilizes the best technologies available for dental implant placement. Therefore, recovery after surgery is simple, and most patients experience only minimal discomfort.

When Dr. Beck-Mayo releases you to return home following your surgery, she will provide you with specific aftercare instructions which you should follow carefully:

  • Do not touch your surgical sites
  • Do not sleep on your face or with your hands under your cheeks
  • Maintain a soft diet and avoid chewing on the surgical site for a few weeks
  • Do not smoke or use other tobacco products
  • Do not use appliances such as retainers or bite guards for a few weeks unless Dr. Beck-Mayo otherwise approves
  • Use ice packs to reduce swelling
  • Do not exercise for a few days
  • Keep your post-op appointments

To find out how dental implants can improve your life, call Dr. Beck-Mayo in the Poway area today. You can reach a member of her friendly team at (858) 635-6700.