Message to patients:
With the loosening of Covid-related restrictions since the pandemic began in spring 2020, we too have modified some of our stricter, more time-consuming protocols. As always, your safety is our top priority and we are still going above and beyond our usual disinfection and sterilization procedures. We continually work hard to stay current with all the federal, state, and local mandates, as well as guidelines from the CDC, OSHA, and the California Dept. of Public Health.
My team and I take pride in providing quality oral healthcare and that includes an emphasis on safety. We require face coverings at all times while inside our office, until you are seated in the treatment room. We are well-supplied with proper personal protection equipment (PPE), and are avoiding the generation of aerosols whenever possible. We will also happily reschedule any patient who has been recently ill. Feel free to contact our office if you have any specific questions about how we are doing our best to ensure your safety while receiving care in our office.
We look forward to seeing you soon! Be well!
Dr. Tina Beck-Mayo
COVID-19 Protocols
Please see our infographic to learn about what you can expect when you visit our office. Your health is our top priority and we’re doing everything we can to make sure you feel safe for your appointment with us. We can’t wait to welcome you to our office again!