Aftercare Instructions
- No brushing, flossing, or waterpik near the surgical area until Dr. Beck-Mayo has determined it has healed adequately. For some procedures this may be up to 6-8 weeks.
- No looking. Do not pull or lift your lips to see the surgical area. This can unintentionally move the surgical area and disrupt healing and compromise results. It is impossible to look at the surgical area without pulling on the cheek. Do not obsess over or question about appearance of gums for 6 weeks.
- No Touching. Do not touch the surgical area with finger or any other device or object.
- No Licking. Do not lick the surgical area or touch with tongue
- Do not sleep with hands under cheek where surgery was done
- No wind instruments, scuba diving, or snorkeling for up to 6 weeks after surgery, depending on your procedure.
- No Chewing in Surgical Area. Avoid hard, sharp, crunchy, or sticky foods. Chew on the opposite side.
- No Straws & No Spitting. This may cause additional bleeding, loosen any grafts that may have been placed, or move the surgical area, disrupting healing and compromising your results.
- Do not pull on your stitches. If they become loose simply cut the loose end with sharp scissors or call our office and arrange to come in and have them trimmed for you.
- No Smoking, Chewing Tobacco, Cigar, Pipe, or Recreational Marijuana for 6 weeks
- Do not wear any appliances such as retainers or bite guards for 6 weeks unless otherwise approved by Dr. Beck-Mayo. If you have concerns about not wearing your appliance, discuss with Dr. Beck-Mayo
- Ice. Applying an ice pack to the cheek near the surgical area for 20 minutes on and off for the first 48 hours after surgery will help to reduce swelling.
- No Exercise. Allow yourself adequate time to recover. Get plenty of rest and resume normal activities as you are comfortable. You should not perform any vigorous exercise or physical activities for at least 3 days following your procedure.
- Expect some cold sensitivity for 6 weeks, sometimes longer. Be sure to report any sensitivity at all post-operative follow up visits.
A little bleeding or oozing the day of surgery is to be expected. If you continue to bleed, use gauze or a tea bag and apply firm pressure to the area for 10 minutes. If bleeding continues call Dr. Beck-Mayo.
Swelling and bruising
Mild to moderate swelling or bruising is to be expected, peaking approximately 3 days after surgery and lasting about 3-4 additional days. Within one week most swelling or bruising should be resolved. While swelling is a normal post-operative occurrence and should not raise alarm, notify our office immediately if your experience severe or prolonged pain, or if the area begins throbbing without relief from your prescribed pain medication.
Gum Grafts (from palate)
Apply ice (or cold foods such as popsicles) directly to the roof of your mouth for first 48 hours. This will significantly reduce post-operative pain and accelerate healing.
Take all medications as prescribed
- Call the office if you have any questions about your medications.
- Do not take your medications on an empty stomach as this may cause nausea.
- If nausea becomes severe and pain medication is still required, call Dr. Beck-Mayo for a nausea reducing medication.
- Stop taking your medications and call the office if you develop an adverse reaction such as rashes, hives or diarrhea.
- Do not drink alcohol while taking pain medication.
- Take an over-the-counter probiotic to help prevent intestinal upset.