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If you’re an American aged 30 or over, there’s a one in two chance that you have gum recession. When you reach 65 years or older, your risk goes up to 70%. The problems associated with gum recession range from mild to severe and can include:
- Cosmetic concerns: Visible tooth root that is darker than the rest of your tooth.
- Sensitivity to sweet, hot, or cold food and beverage.
- Continued recession, severe inflammation, bone loss, and possible tooth loss.
- Root and tooth decay.
Video: Watch Dr. Beck-Mayo explain dental implant candidacy.
While symptoms may start out mild, with sensitivity in one or two teeth and some apparent discoloration, your teeth are increasingly vulnerable to decay and may eventually require extraction.
What is the Pinhole Technique?
To correct gum recession, Dr. Beck-Mayo has adopted the innovative Pinhole Surgical Technique as a painless alternative to traditional gum grafting. The Pinhole Surgical Technique gently pulls down gum tissue to cover the exposed root. Unlike a gum graft, which removes a section of tissue from the roof of your mouth, there are minimal (pinhole sized) incisions to promote healing within a few days of the procedure.
Video: Watch our 3D animation video for a detailed explanation on how the pinhole technique is performed.
When Should I Seek Pinhole Treatment for Gum Recession?
The first signs of gum recession are challenging to diagnose as they mimic other dental problems. A periodontist will be able to measure gum recession accurately and adapt a treatment plan to your specific problem. The Pinhole Technique is an effective preventative measure to address early gum recession and ensure that the condition does not cause more severe symptoms.
Why Should I Choose the Pinhole Technique?
Although some periodontists continue to favor a traditional gum graft as a solution to gum recession, the Pinhole Technique has evolved to provide San Diego patients with:
- Healing within a few days of surgery.
- Immediate functional and aesthetic restoration of your gums.
- Minimal pain during and after the procedure.
- Correction of multiple teeth in one appointment.
Dr. Beck-Mayo has selected this procedure for her San Diego patients because it is safe, successful, and offers the most comfort for patients who are nervous or reluctant about treatment.

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How is the Pinhole Technique Performed?
After a thorough evaluation of the degree of your gum recession, Dr. Beck-Mayo will explain her plan for treatment. Although not required, sedation is available for your comfort during the procedure. After administering local anesthesia, Dr. Beck-Mayo will perform the following steps:
- Make pinhole-sized incisions in the gum above (or below) your teeth.
- Gently tug gum tissue down (or up) to cover the exposed roots.
- Place collagen strips under your gums to secure the gum tissue as it heals.
As you heal, the collagen strips will integrate into your natural gum tissue, and your gums will remain in position.
Video: Watch Dr. Beck-Mayo on an interview for San Diego Living explaining the difference between a traditional gum graft and the pinhole technique
Who Should Perform the Pinhole Technique?
The Pinhole Technique should only be performed by a highly skilled periodontist who is properly certified to perform this surgical procedure. Dr. Beck-Mayo is a board-certified periodontist specializing in gum disease treatment, which means she completed an additional three years of training in an accredited periodontal surgical residency program following dental school. Dr. Beck-Mayo has trained with Dr. Chao (the creator of the Pinhole Technique) and is now Pinhole certified.
To learn more about the Pinhole Technique or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Beck-Mayo, contact our San Diego office at (858) 635-6700.