Medically Reviewed By Dr. Tina Beck

beautiful brunette girl smile portrait in a interior backgroundIf you’ve heard about or have been researching periodontal disease, it’s understandable that you may be concerned about possibly developing it. Periodontal disease can cause serious oral health issues, including gum recession, deep pockets of bacteria and pus between your teeth, spaces between your teeth, bone loss, and even tooth loss. But there is a way to prevent this condition from occurring. Here are some tips from San Diego periodontist Dr. Beck on how to prevent periodontal disease.

  • Schedule Regular Visits with a Periodontist

Unlike a general dentist, a periodontist has advanced training in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of periodontal disease. In order to prevent yourself from developing this oral health condition, Dr. Beck recommends San Diego patients visit a periodontist on a regular basis for a thorough examination of your gums and overall oral health.

  • Never Forget to Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

When it comes to preventing periodontal disease, any periodontist will tell you that practicing proper oral hygiene between dental appointments is key. This means patients should always brush their teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day, and maybe even us additional techniques like water picking or go-betweens (AKA “proxy brushes”). And if you notice any complications, like redness or bleeding of your gums, seek treatment from a periodontist immediately.

  • If You Have Gingivitis, See a Periodontist Now

Gingivitis is the beginning stage of periodontal disease. If your San Diego general dentist has told you that you have gingivitis, it’s time to take action. Schedule an appointment with periodontist Dr. Beck so she can thoroughly examine and diagnose you, and take preventive measures, possibly including treatment, to prevent the disease from progressing.

  • Don’t Avoid Scaling and Root Planing

If your San Diego general dentist has told you that you need scaling and root planing (sometimes referred to as a ‘deep cleaning’), and you’re wondering if it’s the right treatment for you, schedule an appointment with a periodontist like Dr. Beck today. If scaling and root planing has been recommended to you more than once, then don’t delay and find someone you can trust will do it well. This procedure is very successful for many patients to remove the dangerous bacteria from your tooth roots, deep below the gum lines, preventing severe bone loss in the future. Successful scaling and root planing can save you from needing more invasive and expensive surgical procedures in the future!

Trust Us to Help You Prevent Periodontal Disease

While Dr. Beck is trained at performing advanced procedures to treat periodontal disease, her true passion is to help her patients from ever requiring these advanced treatment options. That’s why she is always welcoming new patients who believe they are showing signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease; to stop the disease in its tracks before it causes more serious oral health problems.

In addition to following the above prevention tips, you should never hesitate to schedule an appointment with a trusted periodontist if your general dentist has recommended it. Early treatment can prevent the need for more invasive procedures, and help save your gum tissue, bone tissue, and even your permanent teeth.

If you think you need to see a periodontist, call us today! You’ll be glad you did! Schedule an appointment with us today by contacting our office in San Diego at (858) 635-6700.
