7 Reasons for a Tooth Extraction

Close Up of Old Man with Missing and Chipped Teeth

7 Reasons for a Tooth ExtractionA tooth extraction is a type of oral surgery that will become necessary for some San Diego residents over the course of their lifetime. There are many reasons why one may require this type of oral surgery. Below is a discussion of 7 of the most common reasons why a tooth may require extraction that periodontist Dr. Tina Beck encounters in her practice.

  • Severe Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is nothing to mess around with. It may be a common term you hear on toothpaste and mouthwash commercials, but San Diego residents should know that gum disease can lead to serious problems. In its most sever form, periodontal disease often leads to sufferers having teeth that are so loose due to severe bone loss, that they are no longer functional. In this case, a tooth extraction of the affected tooth or teeth is needed to eliminate pain or infection, and allow the afflicted to chew comfortably again.

  • Excesive Tooth Decay

We all know that tooth decay is bad, causing large holes or even fractures in afflicted teeth, and often lead to needing crowns and/or root canals. But did you know that for some San Diego residents, teeth are so decayed that they are no longer salvageable? If you have a tooth that is severely decayed, then a tooth extraction may be your only option for relief from the pain or eliminating a potentially life-treating infection. 

  • Trauma

Many San Diego residents have taken great care of their teeth and have beautiful, healthy smiles. But sometimes, a traumatic accident like a car wreck or sporting mishap can have devastating consequences. If broken tooth or teeth are not repairable, tooth extraction may be needed.

  • Fractured Tooth

Teeth can break for many reasons. A common type of fracture called a “Vertical Root Fracture” is when a small crack in the top of the tooth propagates down through the root. In most cases, the initial crack is not painful and there are no signs of its existence. Eventually, with daily use of the tooth during chewing (and maybe even grinding), the microscopic crack grows, like a cracked windshield, slowly deteriorating the gum and bone attachment and eventually causing a small abscess. If you are lucky, the tooth may sensitive to hot and/or cold when the crack is still in its early phases and a full coverage crown can prevent or slow further propagation. But Most People only become aware of the fracture when its already unrepairable and requires removal.

  • Orthodontics

Sometimes, teeth just aren’t positioned where they should be and in order to straighten them back into proper alignment, a tooth may need to be removed.

  • Full Arch Replacement

Unfortunately, Teeth haven’t evolved to last as long as they’re human hosts. With modern medicine people can live over 100 years, but our archaic choppers just haven’t kept up and often crack, decay, or otherwise fail us. In severe cases, there may be so many broken or decayed Teeth that only option is remove them all and replace them with dental implants and artificial teeth.

  • You Have an Infected Tooth

It’s not a secret that infected teeth can cause severe pain. If you are experiencing tooth or mouth pain and suspect a tooth infection, tooth extraction can be a godsend, and Dr. Beck may be your celestial hero.

Contact Us to Schedule a Tooth Extraction Consultation Today

If you think you have one of the conditions mentioned above, then you need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Beck to determine if tooth extraction is right for you and your unique case. To schedule an appointment, call (858) 635-6700.

Chewing with Dental Implants

Mature Woman Smiling and Holding Mug While Sitting

Chewing with Dental ImplantsAre you a San Diego resident with missing teeth, who is having difficulty biting down on your favorite foods? Have you tried other tooth replacement options in the past, such as dentures or bridges, only to find out that they can slip and slide, or break while you eat? If so, then you may be interested in the latest tooth replacement system on the market – dental implants. These “built-to-be-permanent” solutions are surgically inserted into your jawbone and allow you to chew, bite down and eat without worry!

About Dental Implants

If you’re just learning about dental implants, we’re glad you found us! As a San Diego periodontal office, one of the things our doctor, Dr. Tina Beck, specializes in is the placement of dental implants. And boy, is she knowledgeable about them! Here are some things you should know about this tooth replacement option.

Dental Implants are:

  • Permanently inserted into a patient’s jawbone via a titanium rod, which is covered with a natural feeling and looking crown
  • A tooth replacement option that can last a lifetime, when properly cared for
  • Designed to look and function like natural teeth,
  • Stimulates your jawbone the same way your natural tooth would, preventing bone atrophy and degeneration in the area of the missing tooth
  • Made to allow you to eat your favorite foods without the risk of breakage or slipping and sliding like removable alternatives, like dentures and partials

You Can Eat Anything When You Have Dental Implants!

If you’re a San Diego resident with dentures, then you know the limitations that come with them. They are removable and come out of your mouth every night to clean and allow the gum tissue to breath. And because they’re only secured with a dental paste, they can slip and slide when you chew your favorite foods. Because of this, you are unable to chew your favorite crunchy foods. No peanut brittle for you! Even steak can be hard to eat with dentures because they tend to slip around so much.

Likewise, if you have a dental bridge or multiple bridges, you know they are sensitive to breaking and difficult to clean under. As a result, the supporting teeth often fail due to breakage, gum disease, or decay.

However, dental implants are different. Because they can last a lifetime when cared for properly, and because they’re designed as a permanent tooth replacement system, San Diego residents with dental implants can chew on anything they want, without fear of embarrassment of them slipping out! What a relief! Finally, you have the smile you want, with the tooth functionality you need.

Learning More About Dental Implants

Getting dental implants can be a significant investment of your time and money, so you shouldn’t decide to get this tooth replacement systems lightly or uninformed. That’s why periodontist Dr. Beck spends so much time with her potential dental implants patients educating them about the solution. She wants to make sure that everyone who moves forward with this tooth replacement system is knowledge about the ins and outs of dental implants, and what properly caring for them entails. As a specialist in the surgical placement of dental implants, she is a highly trained surgeon who takes every precaution to ensure your implants remain healthy and last a lifetime. She will even help your ongoing maintenance of your new implant(s).

Contact Dr. Beck to Schedule an Initial Consultation Today

The best way to learn more about dental implants is to schedule a consultation to speak with Dr. Beck herself. To schedule an initial appointment with her in her San Diego periodontal office, call (858) 635-6700.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Brunette Model Smiling on White Background

Symptoms of Gum DiseaseYou hear about it all the time during mouthwash and toothpaste commercials on San Diego’s most popular broadcast channels – gum disease. In fact, you may have even heard this dental term so much; you think it’s common, no big deal, and nothing to worry about. We’re here to tell you those ideas are wrong. Gum disease, medically known as periodontal disease, can advance to a serious condition that may include gum recession, bone loss, infection and results in tooth loss for many periodontal patients who don’t get treatment in time. Below, we provide a list of the most common symptoms of gum disease.

The Top Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease exhibits itself in three stages: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Here is a discussion of the symptoms associated with each of these stages of gum disease.

  • Gum Disease Stage 1: Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease, and the easiest stage to combat with a proper oral hygiene regimen. Symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Gums that are persistently swollen and red (you may not notice it yourself, as it is often painless in early stages)
  • Blood in your spit after brushing and/or flossing
  • Gum lines that are beginning to recede
  • Bad breath that just won’t go away, no matter how much mouthwash, chewing gum or mints you use

If you think you are suffering from gingivitis, you should see a periodontist like Dr. Beck right away. A periodontist, who is a dentist with additional, specialized education and training in the treatment and management of periodontal disease, can properly diagnose gingivitis and recommend a treatment plan to reverse the symptoms and stop the progression of gum disease. Typically, gingivitis can be stopped and completely reversed by thorough professional cleaning and practicing proper oral hygiene at home including brushing your teeth twice daily, and flossing your teeth at least once a day. This early stage of gum disease does not involve any bone loss yet, so it’s important to get it diagnosed and treated before it progresses into a more severe condition where the bone around the tooth is affected.

  • Gum Disease Stage 2: Periodontitis

If gingivitis is left untreated, it may advance to a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis. This is definitely a stage in which seeing San Diego periodontist Dr. Beck is important. In addition to the symptoms of gingivitis, periodontal patients suffering from periodontitis may also exhibit:

  • Soft tissue loss in your mouth, including your gums (ie, receding gums)
  • Reduction of jawbone tissue resulting in spacing between the teeth
  • Red swollen gums
  • Gums that feel very sensitive when you brush or floss
  • Deep pockets of bacteria (or even pus) developing in your gums, around your teeth
  • Bad breath or taste that that won’t go away, no matter how much you brush or gargle
  • Permanent teeth that are starting to loosen or become uncomfortable to bite on
  • Noticing that your teeth no longer fit together when you close your mouth

San Diego residents who are experiencing any of these above symptoms should see Dr. Beck right away. The diagnosis and proper treatment of this stage of gum disease is extremely important to protecting your overall oral health and preventing tooth loss.

  • Gum Disease Stage 3: Advanced Periodontitis

The final stage of gum disease is called advanced periodontitis. San Diego residents experiencing advanced periodontitis may notice the following, troubling symptoms:

  • Chronic bad breath (sometimes only noticeable by loved ones)
  • Swollen gums that frequently bleed
  • Gums that are receding so much, they are displaying tooth roots
  • Teeth that are loose or begin to shift and move
  • Very severe jawbone tissue loss
  • Teeth that are either falling out or need to be surgically extracted because they are no longer functional.

Contact Dr. Beck if You’re a San Diego Resident Who Thinks You’re Suffering from Any Stage of Gum Disease

If your mouth is displaying any of the above symptoms of the three stages of gum disease, it’s time to see Dr. Beck right away for help and intervention. As a highly educated periodontist, she is specialist to trust with your care if you are concerned about possible gum disease.

To schedule an appointment with her, call her office at (858) 635-6700.

Caring for Dental Implants

Old Couple Leaning Against Each Other on Couch

Caring for Dental ImplantsWhether you’re a San Diego resident with a mouthful of dental implants or just one, you need to know how to properly care for them to make sure they last the lifetime they’re designed to live. Some dental implants patients, especially those who have received a total smile makeover and no longer have any of their natural teeth, falsely believe that they don’t need to do anything to care for them. That thinking couldn’t be further from the truth! The reality is if you have dental implants you need to care for them the same way you would if they were your natural teeth or maybe even a little bit more!

About Dental Implants

Before we dive deep into care instructions, let us explain to you the basic 411 on dental implants in case you are just learning about them. Dental implants are the newest tooth replacement options on the market, replacing the need for dentures and dental bridges, which were previously the only solution to replace teeth that were. When cared for properly, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, and to allow you to chew on anything you’d like, even the chewiest of chewy and the crunchiest of crunchy foods.

Dental implants work by using a small titanium screw to replace a tooth root and support an artificial crown. The dental implant not only holds the new tooth in place, but it also estimates your jawbone the same way the natural tooth root did. Without this stimulation, the jawbone may deteriorate, something that is medically referred to as jawbone resorption or “atrophy.”

Dental implants can be placed to replace a single tooth or an entire mouthful of teeth. Some San Diego residents choose dental implants as part of an aesthetic treatment called a total smile makeover. In this case, the implants are placed to give the patient a more cosmetically pleasing smile. In other cases, implants are selected to replace teeth that have either already been extracted or fallen out or need to be extracted due to severe decay.

Proper Dental Implant Care

San Diego patients who choose dental implants should care for them just as they would their natural teeth. This means they must:

  • Brush their dental implants twice a day
  • Floss around the dental implants at least once a day
  • Use additional hygiene aides like interdental brushes or a water pick, depending on the recommendation from your surgeon and hygienist
  • Compliance with the recommended dental maintenance schedule, sometimes as often as every 2-3 months

Preventing Peri-Implantitis

Following the above care regimen for dental implants is important so that San Diego patients don’t develop a rare, but very serious dental implants complication called peri-implantitis. With this condition, an infection develops around the implant, deep inside the jawbone, causing severe bone loss and implant failure. After investing so much time and effort into getting dental implants, you definitely don’t want complications that can lead to their removal.

Schedule a Consultation or Cleaning with Dr. Beck

Whether you’d like to speak with San Diego periodontist Dr. Beck because you are considering dental implants and need to know if you’re a qualified candidate, or you already have an implant and have some concerns you’d like to discuss, or simply need help cleaning and caring for them, she’s happy to help. Call her periodontal offices in San diego today to schedule an appointment at (858) 635-6700.

Digital Dentistry

San Diego Periodontist, Dr. Tina Beck, utilizes only the most advanced techniques and procedures, with the most current, state of the art equipment, to provide the most ideal care possible, in a comfortable and caring environment. Some of the equipment allows unparalleled diagnostic capability, like her 3-D conebeam volumetric CT machine; while others are simply for your comfort or to improve the overall clinical result or the procedure. This article focuses on the benefits of a piece of equipment that does all 3!

Before and After Dental Implants Patient 5c


If you’re a San Diego resident who has ever had to have a dental impression taken, whether it be for a crown or for dental implants, then you know the struggle is real. First, for some reason whenever you need to get a dental impression taken, it seems as though your body’s natural response is to salivate as if you were looking at a 10-course meal from your favorite restaurant prepared by your favorite chef. Second, the goop that is used for dental impressions seems to stick into the back of your throat, stimulating that ever so sensitive gag reflex you have. And finally, the paste sets so strong and so quickly, you’re almost certain the dental hygienist is going to rip out your teeth when he or she removes the impression plate from your mouth!

Oh yes, the joys of traditional dental impressions!

Luckily, the future is now, and if you’re seeing San Diego Periodontist Dr. Beck for your dental implant or other tooth treatment, that future includes digital dentistry. An intraoral scanner is just one of her state of the art equipment in her practice,  which allows her to simply use a wand to sweep over your teeth and instantly translate the image into a digital 3-dimensional model! This highly-advanced dental device quickly and digitally scans your mouth to provide Dr. Beck with an extremely accurate digital scan of your mouth so that dental implants, custom abutments, and screw retained crowns can be made to the exact detail of your mouth’s unique anatomy. And best of yet, there’s no traditional impression or that yucky dental paste involved!

More About Digital Dentistry

We use digital tools for better accuracy and convenience all the time, whether it be your built-in GPS system while you’re driving your car, the latest advancement in software at work, or the coolest new must-have gadget or device for pleasure. So, why would you choose a tooth care provider who doesn’t offer digital dentistry, which is the best that dentistry has to provide? San Diego residents want the quality treatment when it comes to their oral health and dental procedures such as getting dental implants. With Dr. Beck’s intraoral scanner, that’s exactly what you get!

What Are Possible Sedation Dentistry Options?

Dental Implant Tools Holding an Extracted Tooth

Staff Member Covering Patient with a BlanketDr. Beck and her team understand that for many of her San Diego and Poway patients, any type of dental procedure can unearth significant fear and anxiety, particularly if it involves surgery. Whether it’s due to a general fear of the dentist, or a bad dental experience in the past, Dr. Beck has an option to help alleviate your fear and help make your procedure be completed comfortably and painlessly! Even though many patients don’t feel the need for sedation (as long as the area is thoroughly numb), Dr. Beck understands that for some, just the idea of oral surgery can cause substantial fear and anxiety, which is why she offers the following sedations options to ensure optimal comfort for all her patients.

  • Anxiolysis (light sedation): Anxiolysis literally means the elimination of anxiety. This form of sedation is ideal for patients who are only a little nervous about their planned procedure and desire something to ‘take the edge off’ even though they would probably do very well without anything, as long as they are completely numb throughout and not feel any pain during surgery, they prefer just a little ‘something’. For these patients, a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication similar to Xanax or valium is prescribed to be taken one hour before the appointment.  It is important to note that this option is often not powerful enough to combat moderate to severe anxiety and should only be considered by those who think they might be comfortable without any pre-medication, but would prefer just a little something to help them relax.  As with any sedation option, patients cannot be allowed to drive themselves home after the procedure if anxiolysis if provided.
  • Conscious Sedation (light- moderate sedation): With this sedation option, medication in the form of pills will be used to put you in a deeply relaxed state, though you may still be awake and able to carry on a conversation, although it might not be remembered. Most San Diego patients who choose this sedation option are pleased to report that they have little to no memory of their procedure. Because you would still be drowsy when leaving the office, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home following your procedure if performed with conscious sedation. Instead, you’ll need to arrange for transportation home from a trusted family member or a friend (sorry, no uber). It is important to note that not all patients are candidates for this type of sedation and that for severe anxiety, this option may not be adequate.  Although patients are closely monitored throughout the procedure, some patients may not be candidates for this option due to potential breathing complications or if taking certain medications that may interfere or react with the sedation medication.
  • Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia: Just like in a hospital operating room, general anesthesia (or deep sedation) will only be performed by a board certified anesthesiologist and will put you completely asleep (“out”) for your oral surgery. Because this form of sedation is so strong, a breathing tube (“nasal cannula”) is utilized to maintain adequate oxygen concentrations, ensuring the highest level of safety.

Because your comfort is one of our top priorities (safety is the first), we always offer aromatherapy, headphones with soothing music, warm blankets, and a caring environment, complete with warm, moist, scented towelettes to refresh once the procedure is completed, regardless of your choice of sedation.  Additionally, Dr. Beck is always available by phone or email after your procedure to answer any questions or concerns you may have after you get home.  You won’t find a more genuine and caring dental surgeon than Dr. Beck, which is why so many San Diego dentists trust only her to care for their patients, family, and friends.

Call our office for more information about sedation options!

Why Visit a Periodontist?

If you’re in the San Diego and Poway areas and have been told you need an advanced dental procedure performed, and perhaps have even been referred to Dr. Beck by your own dentist, you might be wondering, “Why do I need to see a periodontist instead of my regular dentist?” The answer lies all in the highly specialized advanced training Dr. Beck has received, and the extensive amount of oral surgeries she has performed for Southern California residents from North County to South County and everywhere in between.

What Exactly is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a specialized dentist who has spent several additional years after the basic dental training all dentists are required to complete, studying and training to diagnose, treat, and prevent periodontal disease. As highly trained surgeons, board certified periodontists also perform many different oral surgeries including tooth extractions, bone grafting and regenerative procedures, and placing dental implants. As a board certified periodontist, Dr. Beck has had the same basic dental training as your trusted San Diego and Poway dentist, plus 3 additional years of study focused on periodontal and oral surgery. If your dentist has referred you to Dr. Beck, it’s because they know she will take good care of you.

Why Would I Need to See a Periodontist?

There are a variety of reasons why San Diego and Poway residents might seek out a periodontist on their own, or be referred to Dr. Beck by their regular dentist or hygienist. These include:

Preventing, Diagnosing, and Treating Periodontal Disease

Some patients develop periodontal disease – a common condition that can lead to gum recession, bone loss, and even tooth loss if not properly treated.  Excellent oral hygiene includes thoroughly brushing your teeth twice daily and cleaning between your teeth at least once a day, most commonly by proper flossing.  However, other patients develop periodontal disease despite practicing good oral hygiene and getting regular cleanings with a general dentist.  She reasons for this include having strong family history of periodontitis (genetics), hormonal changes (like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause), using tobacco products, taking certain medications, diabetes, and immunosuppression (like what happens during chemotherapy). If you fall into one of these risk factor categories, your dentist may recommend you see Dr. Beck for specialized care and management, in order to treat and prevent periodontal disease. Advanced treatments for periodontal disease may include deep cleanings, minor surgery to remove deeply embedded bacterial plaque, bone regenerative therapy, or sometimes gum grafting procedures to repair and strengthen gum tissue that has been damaged.

Suggested Reading about gum disease and bad breath.

You have Missing Teeth and Need Dental Implants

People need dental implants for many reasons.  Sometimes the damage caused by periodontal disease is too great to repair, and a tooth is recommended for removal.  Removing an unrepairable tooth before further bone loss occurs can increase your success with dental implants, preventing the need for extensive grafting, and minimizing the risk of damage to neighboring teeth.  Alternatively, a tooth may be recommended for removal due to deep decay (cavity) in a tooth that is unrepairable, or perhaps the tooth becomes fractured deep below the gum line and is unrepairable, or failure of a root canal to eliminate infection from inside the tooth itself or in the bone surrounding the tooth.  Another phenomenon that occurs in teeth that require their removal is root resorption.  This process is less understood than cavities, root canals, and fractures, where the tooth begins to dissolve, or “resorb”, from the inside out. Once this process is recognized on an x-ray, it is usually unstoppable and can lead to pain, fracture, or infection.

Whatever the cause of the missing tooth or need for extraction, Dr. Beck is highly trained and specialized in minimal traumatic, and minimally painful, tooth extractions, bone grafting, and surgical placement of dental implants.

For this reason, several dentists in San Diego and Poway refer their patients to Dr. Beck for the placement of dental implants – the strongest and most state-of-the-art tooth replacement system available on the market.  If you are in need of a dental implant, the procedure is best performed by a specialist who knows how to avoid serious complications that can occur in lesser-trained hands. As a highly trained surgeon, Dr. Beck also practices the highest standard of safety and sterility when performing surgery to minimize your risk of infection or disease contraction, and only uses the highest quality products to ensure long term success with your dental implant.

Cosmetic Gum Procedures (Gum Grafting & Crown Lengthening)

 Periodontists are highly trained surgeons, specialized in minimally invasive, microsurgical techniques for the correction of gum recession (long teeth), or gum recontouring (crown lengthening) for those who have too much gum resulting in an excessively gummy smile and short teeth.  If you are considering procedures to change the appearance of your gums, or lack thereof, you can trust Dr. Beck will take excellent care of you and produce results you can smile about, literally!

Call us to schedule your appointment with San Diego and Poway periodontist, Dr. Beck!
